No one knows who they were or what they were doing

But British archaeologists may have found one of their graves. Druid Grave Unearthed in UK?

Within the wooden, chambered burial site, researchers have excavated a wine warmer, cremated human remains, a cloak pinned with brooches, a jet bead, divining rods (for fortune-telling), a series of surgical instruments, a strainer bowl last used to brew Artemisia-containing tea, a board game carefully laid out with pieces in play, as well as other objects.

“This person was clearly a specialist and also clearly wealthy and powerful, as indicated by the special grave and its apparent location within the compound of a ‘chief.’ That would all fit Caesar’s Druid,” he said, adding that Caesar likely also visited Stanway during his lifetime.

He might have just been a Romanized doctor-divinator, though. The location of the grave supports the Druid idea, but it’s still conjecture at this point.

The board game may have had some divination usage as well. It’s a completely unique find. Nothing else like it has even been uncovered in Roman Britain.


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