Another brief interlude

I am internetless again, but again it should be a brief lapse. I’ll be up and running with a fresh story tomorrow, Liver of Piacenza willing.

7 thoughts on “Another brief interlude

  1. I will pray to Saint Francesco Antonio José de Lorenzana y Buitrón, Archbishop of Toledo, Primate of Spain, Ambassador of King Charles IV to the Holy See, Lord of White Elephants, Red Elephants and Elephants of Various Colours for your speedy return.

  2. Piacenza? Why not depend on one of the Akkadian/Babylonian originals from four millenia ago?

    Or was it started in a much earlier era by the Sumerians?

  3. I have always surmised that the god of the internet would be Hermes/Mercury..the who flies around with messages…so I’ll light a candle to him tonight. Any other thoughts about deities for the web?

  4. From the “Dark Ages”, Saint Isidore of Seville (560s – 4 April 636) was considered to be in charge. In his Etymologiae, Ch. 30 ‘On the topics’ (De topicis), he points out:


    “Topica est disciplina inveniendorum argumentorum. Divisio Topicorum, sive locorum ex quibus argumenta dicuntur, triplex est. Nam alia in eo ipso, de quo agitur, haerent; alia, quae dicuntur effecta, quae quodammodo ex rebus aliis tracta noscuntur; alia, quae adsumuntur extrinsecus. Argumenta, quae in eo ipso, de quo agitur, haerent, in tribus divisa sunt. …”

    “Topica is the science of finding arguments. The division of the topica or the loci from which arguments are derived is three-fold. For some inhere in the very thing that is under discussion; there are others, called affecta, which are known to be derived in a certain sense from other things; others, which are taken from outside the subject. Arguments that inhere in the very thing that is under discussion are divided in areas. …”

    Isidore, :notworthy:

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