Pompeii acquires historic foundry cast collection

The Archaeological Park of Pompeii has acquired a unique collection of more than 1600 sculptural models and casts from the historic Chiurazzi Foundry of Naples. Many of the casts were taken from sculptures discovered in the cities destroyed by Vesuvius (Pompeii, Herculaneum, Stabiae) when archaeological methodology was haphazard at best, indiscriminately destructive at worst, so …

Pompeii freedman was deliberately mummified

Archaeologists in Pompeii have revealed new details about the tomb of the freedman discovered last year in the Porta Sarno necropolis outside the east gate of Pompeii’s walls. First and foremost, analysis of the mummified remains of the deceased confirmed that he was deliberately embalmed, not accidentally preserved by the excellent seal of the burial …

Marble inlay slabs found in Pompeii tool chest

Archaeologists have discovered an ancient stone worker’s supply chest in the large reception room of the House of the Library in Pompeii. The extraordinary remains of a large wooden chest containing slabs of giallo antico (ancient yellow) marble quarried in Numidia and of green serpentine porphyry from the Peloponnese peninsula in Greece, among other fine …

Pompeii horse skeleton restored after decades of neglect

The skeleton of a horse found at Pompeii in 1938 that was damaged by being on mounted display at the site is being restored. The horse was unearthed by archaeologist Amedeo Maiuri, director of Pompeii from 1924 until 1961, in an area south Via dell’Abbondanza believed to have been a stable. The excavation revealed a …

Slave bedroom/store room found at Pompeii

A small chamber used to store goods and sleep at least three people, almost certainly slaves, has been discovered in the excavation of a luxury villa in Civita Giuliana, a suburb of ancient Pompeii half a mile northwest of the city walls. The 170-square foot room has one tiny high window and opens onto the …