A historical milestone of one’s own

The History Blog passed a million total pageviews today. Not just in one day, of course; I mean cumulative views since I first installed the counter in mid-September of 2009. That’s not counting my personal viewings, so the milestone isn’t composed primarily of me clicking on my old stories a thousand times a day.

Thank you all for reading, whether ye be silent observers, students searching for help with their homework, people in the news Googling themselves, and of course, my wonderful regular commenters who so generously contribute your own wit, curiosity and understanding to improving every post. :notworthy:

27 thoughts on “A historical milestone of one’s own

  1. Congratulations! 1,000,000! Holey Moley! What stats program do you use? The one I have only tracks my page views for a year (the so-called “all-time” category, which clearly it is NOT!).
    Anyway, keep up the excellent blogging. You are very prolific, and apparently LOTS of people are enjoying your blog!

  2. History-Blog, History-Blog does whatever a History-Blog does! Can it swing from a web? No it can’t, it’s a blog! Look out! Here comes The History Blog!

  3. Congrats Liv! It does not come as a surprise to me. Your blogs are informative, humourous, and can even be downright raunchy (in a subtle kind of way, lol). Thanks to you, I can always rely on something interesting to read during my day. :hattip:

  4. Congratulations! I have never commented before, but I’ve been reading your blogs almost daily for about two years now. They are fun to read and very informative, and I look forwad to them. Thanks for all the time and work you put into this great website. :notworthy:

  5. Congratulations Livius. I look in on you just about every day even though I don’t post that much. Good job! See you tomorrow.

  6. Congratulations! I just found your blog a few months ago and now read it everyday. I love your stuff and your writing style. Plus you always find interesting history stories. Live Long and Prosper!

  7. Congrats Livius! It’s been a pleasure reading you for a few years now, best believe I shall continue to do so. This blog is what I always give as my ‘favorite website’ when asked.

    It’s worth noting that my posts are usually neither witty nor understanding. But you always diligently respond and that just tickles me pink. Thanks. :hattip:

  8. Congrats! It is an awesome blog, so it’s no surprise :notworthy: I love every post, even about the subjects I am not that into, and it is so because of your style of writing :love: Thank you:)

  9. Congratulations! I’ve just discovered this, and it’s an awesome blog. (I particularly like that you report on Tolkien, Asterix, and the like–entirely appropriate for history nerds like me. More importantly, I didn’t know about the Hobbit illustrations–and I must have them.)




    1. Thank you! I’m delighted you found us. I think books like the Asterix comics and The Hobbit inspired a lot of history nerds when they were too young to know better. 😀

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