17th c. mayor’s hoard found in Saxony-Anhalt

Excavations at the historic Altstadt Wettin Farmhouse in the center of Wettin, southeastern Germany, have unearthed a hoard of silver coins buried 350 years ago. Construction workers found the first coins when digging a trench for a new sewer line in July 2023, and archaeologists from Saxony-Anhalt’s State Office for Monument Preservation and Archaeology followed up with an excavation of the find site in the farmhouse’s courtyard. About 20 inches beneath the surface, 285 silver coins, greened by corrosion, were found compacted together. They were likely in an organic container that has rotted away. The hoard was removed in a soil block for micro-excavation under laboratory conditions.

The coins were exposed in layers, documented, cleaned and conserved. They were found to range in date from 1499 to 1652, and are an unusually international grouping. The majority are regional Saxon froschen coins, used for local markets, but the second largest number are thalers from the Spanish Netherlands, coins used for long-distance trade. There are also coins from Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy and many German cities. Some of these are very rarely found in Wettin, for example a 1630 scudo minted by Odoardo Farnese, Duke of Parma and Piacenza, and a tallero minted in 1620 by Cosimo II de’ Medici when he was Grand Duke of Tuscany.

Archaeologists believe this was a collection amassed by a wealthy family active in international trade over 150 years and buried in the late 1650s. The two-story rectangular farmhouse was built in the second half of the 16th or the early 17th century by wealthy Wettin citizens. Records of ownership go back to the end of the Thirty Year’s War (1648). At the time when the coins were buried, the farmhouse belonged to Johann Dondorf, one of Wettin’s wealthiest people who would go on to become the town’s mayor in the late 1660s.

He earned his income primarily from agriculture, some wine-growing and brewing rights. Wettin was an extremely wealthy brewing town during and after the Thirty Years’ War. Dondorf’s wealth became clear after his death in 1675. When his estate was recorded by the court, more than 2,500 thalers were found in his house in 13 separate items, of which 1,000 thalers alone were “[…] 500 ducats in a long leather bag.”

Maybe this hoard was one of his leather bags full of cash he stashed all over his property.

Lost metal detectorist finds Bronze Age rapier

A metal detectorist who got separated from his group and walked to higher ground in the hope of finding them found a Middle Bronze Age hoard instead. John Belgrove paid £20 to join 50 people on this metal detecting rally in Dorset, but when he lost the people he gained the find of a lifetime valued at £17,000 but archaeologically priceless. His detector signaled as he was trudging to high ground, and just eight inches under the surface, he dug up what turned out to be the hilt of a rapier caked in clay. Then he found the blade broken in two sections. Then he found an axe head. Then he found a bangle.

The two-foot long rapier was buried with a palstave axe head and a decorated bracelet in a grave, a unique combination of valuable objects buried as a funerary offering for what must have been a wealthy individual. All three objects date to the Taunton phase (c.1400-1275 B.C.) of the Middle Bronze Age.

The rapier is cast bronze with a copper alloy hilt designed to imitate the wooden hilts of the period. It was broken in three pieces: the end of the blade snapped off and where the blade meets the c-shaped guard broken off in a jagged line. It was deliberately broken before burial. Only two similar examples have been found in Britain, and they are incomplete.

The palstave axe head is made of cast copper alloy and high side flanges and concave edges that flare into a rounded cutting edge. There are marks on the blade that may have been caused by use or in the finishing process.

The bracelet or arm-ring is copper alloy and decorated with a complex incised geometric pattern of transverse bands, herringbone bands and cable-style bands. It is a rare find on its own, and there is no known comparable example of a rapier, palstave and bracelet from the Taunton phase buried together.

The Dorset Museum and Art Gallery was keen to acquire this exceptional grouping and in November of last year, launched a crowdfunding campaign. With donations from the public and grants from non-profit trusts, it was able to raise the £17,000 valuation cost to acquire the Stalbridge Hoard. The hoard arrived at the museum on May 31st, and will undergo conservation and study before going on display.

Elizabeth Selby, director of collections at Dorset Museum, said: “This hoard is incredibly special. The rapier sword is really unusual because of the cast bronze handle. The bracelet decoration was quite unusual as well.

“There aren’t really any comparable objects like the rapier, so to be able to acquire these items is really important for us.

“Finds like this tell us about how people were travelling, meeting and exchanging ideas with others on the continent in the centuries before the Roman invasion.

“There was a farming community there and these people generated enough wealth to be able to barter for or exchange objects that others had made.”

Walker steps on 2,150 medieval silver coins in Czech Republic

A woman taking a walk through a field in Kutnohorsk, a city 50 miles southeast of Prague, stumbled on a few silver coins that turned out to be the advance guard of one of the largest early medieval coin hoards ever found in the Czech Republic. She reported the find to heritage authorities and archaeologists were dispatched to scan the field with metal detectors and then excavate the areas of interest. They ultimately unearthed more than 2,150 silver deniers minted by Bohemian rulers King Vratislav II. and princes Břetislav II. and Bořivoje II, between 1085 and 1107.

Archaeologists believe the hoard was buried in the first quarter of the 12th century, a turbulent period characterized by various members of the Přemyslid dynasty, rulers of Bohemia, fighting each other over the ducal throne. Duke of Bohemia Vratislaus II was granted the royal title of King of Bohemia by the Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV in 1085, but it was not an inherited title and his brothers, nephews and sons squabbled constantly over who got what title. After his death, the throne of Bohemia was a carousel of expulsions, assassinations and competing claims from Přemyslid cousins, brothers and uncles.

The hoard was originally buried in a ceramic container, but over the centuries the vessel was destroyed by plowing. Archaeologists were only able to find the bottom of it, but it is evidence that this fortune in coins was amassed and buried in one deposit, even though the deniers were later scattered.

“The coins were most likely minted in the Prague mint from silver that was imported to Bohemia at the time ,” says Lenka Mazačová, director of the Czech Silver Museum in Kutnohorsk.

The deniers were made from a mint alloy, which, in addition to silver, also contains copper, lead and trace amounts of other metals. Determining this particular composition can also help determine the origin of the silver used.

“Unfortunately, for the turn of 11th-12th century, we lack data on the purchasing power of the contemporary coin. But it was a huge amount, unimaginable for an ordinary person and at the same time unaffordable. It can be compared to winning a million in the jackpot ,” explains Filip Velímský.

Due to the frequent battles for the Prague princely throne, the armies of individual rival princes repeatedly marched through today’s Kutnohorsk Region. Experts do not rule out the possibility that the found depot represents cash for paying wages or war booty.

The coins are now being examined by experts from the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, and the Czech Silver Museum in Kutnohorsk. Each coin will be recorded, cleaned, photographed and assessed for any conservation needs. The coins will also be X-rayed and subjected to spectral analysis to determine their metal composition. Once all the work has been completed and a full catalogue of the hoard created, the hoard will be exhibited to the public in the Czech Silver Museum, hopefully by the summer of 2025.

Roman gold coins link Vindelev to European elite

Newly published research into the Roman gold coins in the Vindelev treasure points to a strong local power in the small town in East Jutland with connections to a network of the European elite.

The hoard consists of 23 gold objects dating to the Migration Period (375-568 A.D.) unearthed at a farm in Vindelev outside of Jelling in South Jutland by a metal detectorist in December of 2020. There are 13 Nordic gold bracteates (thin, round gold sheets carved with figures from Norse mythology) from the 5th century A.D, including the largest bracteate in the world, and one with a runic inscription that is the earliest known mention of Odin. There is also granulated gold fitting from a sword or knife. There are four Roman gold medallions from the 4th century A.D. mounted as pendants. Four gold medallions together in a single hoard have never been found before in Denmark.

Senior researcher Helle Horsnæs, who is behind the research, has examined the four Roman medallions that are part of the treasure and can conclude that, by all accounts, the medallions were included as bride-payments or gifts in a European network of important women and men in the Roman part of Europe.

And someone from that network has therefore stayed on a farm in Vindelev, because the treasure was found there. This surprises Helle Horsnæs.

“There are other exciting gold finds in the East Jutland area, but Vindelev is just bigger on all parameters. We don’t have any signs that there was supposed to be a power base in Vindelev at this time, so it is surprising for us to find objects that not only show local power, but also European connections,” she says.

“This really puts Vindelev on the European map and places the owner at the highest European level.”

The four gold medallions were issued by four different emperors : Constantine the Great (306-337 A.D.), Constans (337-350 A.D.), Valentinian I (364-375 A.D.) and Gratian (367-383 A.D.). It is therefore extremely unlikely that they were awarded to the august personage in Vindelev. They also had loops mounted at the top by artisans outside of the Roman Empire so they could be worn as pendants, suggesting that the medallions changed hands several times before winding up at Vindelev.

One of the medallions has particularly attracted Helle Horsnæs’ attention. It turns out that it is stamped with exactly the same stamp as a medallion found in Zargozyn in Poland.

The two medallions have therefore been followed out of the Roman Empire, after which they have had rings attached in the same workshop and reworked into pendants. After that, one may have taken different detours to Zargorzyn in Poland and the other to Vindelev in Denmark.

“It shows that the European network at this time in the Iron Age was widely branched, and that the European elite were already connected to each other back then,” says Helle Horsnæs.

11-year-old walking the dog finds Roman gold bracelet

An 11-year-old boy discovered a rare gold Roman cuff bracelet in a field near Pagham in West Sussex, England. It is a decorated bracelet of the armilla type, awarded to Roman soldiers for valour, and dates to the 1st century A.D. As a gold object more than 300 years old, it has officially been declared treasure at a coroner’s inquest.

Rowan Brannan was walking the dog with his mother Amanda two years ago when he picked up a shiny yellow piece of metal. This is not unusual for Rowan. He likes to scout the ground for interesting things to pick up (don’t we all?), but his mother usually vetoes his pickups. This time he hung on to it, adamant that it was gold even when his mother told him it was probably just a gross old fragment of fence or something.

Once he got home, he researched how to determine if a metal is gold, and his find checked all the boxes. It probably wouldn’t have gone beyond the curiosity stage if a metal detecting friend of his mother’s hadn’t come over. She thought Rowan had something worth investigating and sent a picture to the leader of her metal detecting group. He suggested they report it to their local Finds Liaison Officer. Archaeologists examined the piece and confirmed it was real ancient Roman gold jewelry.

It is a large fragment of a bracelet 8.1 mm (.3 inches) wide and 71.3 mm (2.8 inches) long folded over. One of the folded sides is about 8 mm shorter than the other, so if it were unfolded it would be about 135 mm (5.3 inches) long. (There are some bends and waves so it’s not the straight measurement.) The total gold weight is 7.69 grams. It is decorated with five parallel bands, three plain ribs and two in rope style with the lines at opposite angles. One terminal end is pierced.

Several examples of copper-alloy Roman wide cuff bracelets have been found in Britain, but gold examples are far more rare. This is only the fourth recorded in the Portable Antiquities Scheme database. The gold ones are all slimmer than the base metal ones which are usually 12-22 mm, and with so few examples of them known, archaeologists are still not certain the gold ones actually were worn as cuff bracelets. Scholars believe the more valuable the metal, the higher the rank of the officer who was awarded it.

Amanda said the piece has been analyzed at the British Museum and has gone through the Coroner’s Court in a ‘fascinating’ process where they have been learning more and more about the bracelet.

She said: “It’s very exciting whenever we read an email and we have been kept up to date throughout the whole process.

“The Coroner’s Court emailed us and said ‘it’s been so lovely to deal with Rowan’s treasure’.”