
I spent all day pursuing a fascinating new obsession and had a nice loooong blog entry to show for it when I got kicked out of WordPress and lost all my work. I’m too traumatized to face starting over again right now, so y’all will have to excuse me for not posting today.

I leave you instead to the dark consolation of Volume 6 of Drunk History, starring a six-pack, a bottle of Absinthe, John C. Reilly and Crispin Glover.

5 thoughts on “Sorry

  1. Gah! Sorry to hear about the post… I’ve lost many articles to the bermuda triangle of word press and know the feeling. No idea how I’ve never heard of this Drunk History series before. Hysterical.

  2. Thank you, Edward.

    Chris, I have the latest version of WP but only the first draft — a collection of notes and quotes — was saved. Even though I always stay logged in by default, I think I was secretly kicked without noticing it the whole time I was writing. That’s why none of my work was automatically saved.

    Then when I went to manually save a draft before adding pictures and the finishing touches, that’s when I got hit with the login screen. When I got back in all I had was that stupid first draft. Backspace didn’t work either.

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