Walk down the streets of Pompeii right now

Google Maps has added Pompeii to its street view function!1 That means you can wander its ancient streets as soon as you stop reading this without spending a dime.

Just go to Google Maps, type in Pompeii Italy, then drag the little yellow man icon from the zoom controls onto the street. The ones that are included in street view will turn blue.

I had to hunt around a little to find the ancient city as opposed to the (relatively) modern town. Just look for “Pompeii Scavi” (Pompeii digs) and drag the little man there.

Here’s a shortcut

And here’s an embed:

View Siti archeologici di Torre Annunziata, Pompei e Boscoreale (NA in a larger map

Isn’t she beeyootiful? Happy visiting!

13 thoughts on “Walk down the streets of Pompeii right now

  1. This is an awesome find! I’m quite impressed with the level of immersion this accomplishes.

    A warning to the ones who never visited: do not spend too much time on the map 😉 Keep the magic!

  2. Wow!! This is really fantastic. Now I wonder if there’s other historical places around the world I can “visit” this way. Since it is Google Maps, they’d have to be on actual streets, I suppose. Gettysburg battlefield wouldn’t count, I’d guess. Worth looking up though.

    1. There are definitely other sites set up from street view. As I recall, Google and UNESCO are collaborating to make World Heritage sites available on Google Maps.

      Let me hunt around for a full listing and I’ll post it.

      I adore your site, btw. Do you have any plans to expand beyond US history?

      1. Hi — Thanks for the wonderful compliment! 🙂 I really like your site too, I read it every day.

        To answer your question, I’d like to expand the historical periods eventually, but at the moment, I’m trying to get a lot of books online about American history. It is amazing how much is out there. It’ll take a while! 🙂

  3. omggg tht so kool 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

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