Thank you

Thank you all for reading, for your comments, for all the kindness and appreciation you’ve shown me this year. As 2020 took on its increasingly bubonic 1347 tinge, I tried as much as possible to keep the blog as unchanged in focus and consistency as it has been since I began posting daily 12 years ago. My wish was The History Blog could be for you (and me!) what Philosophy was for Boethius, who dealt with quite the lockdown of his own. I hope 2021 is a renaissance year for cultural heritage and that this blog, in its fractionally tiny way, can help support the revival of endeavours  that have been laid waste in 2020.

Happy New Year! Now let’s the get hell out of this one.

65 thoughts on “Thank you

  1. Happy New Year back at ya!

    Appreciate your posts greatly. Whenever I link you, I usually give the rare and much sought after label of the “Always Good History Blog.” And it is.

    Thanks much for your excellent work.


  2. Thank you for another great year of posts. Check the blog everyday as do others in the family. Keep up the good work. Afc

  3. I check The History Blog every single day and love it, and SO appreciate the work you put into it. Wishing you a very happy and healthy 2021!

  4. Thank you for sharing your posts in such a level-headed and truly elegant way. Long Live the History Blog and its maker!

  5. Your commitment to quality is tremendous. I often see posts from mainstream publications now and can recognise the sensationalism that distracts from the genuinely interesting findings. That’s because of training from reading these posts which always contextualise findings so well.

    So then I wait for your take on it in those rare cases where I see it elsewhere first.

    Hope you have a really good new year. Looking forward to reading about new discoveries and historical revelations here.

  6. Livius,

    Thank you for all that you do to keep us informed and entertained. Your blog is the first thing I open when I fire up this evil machine every morning.

    Yours Aye,

    Lord Mungo Napier, Laird of Mallard Lodge (SCA) 🦆
    (aka Garth Groff)

  7. Happy New Year to you and your family !!!

    This blog is one of my regular ‘watering holes’ for interesting news. Thank you for making it so valuable and enjoyable, especially this past year with its many challenges.

  8. Thank you for all your hard work in bringing us this seemingly endless stream of fascinating facts. A peaceful, happy, prosperous and panic-free New Year to you and all my fellow readers!

  9. Thanks for all you do. I look forward to reading your blog every day and thinking about something other than the problems of 2020. Wishing you a wonderful 2021!

  10. I’m hugely appreciative of all you do. The History Blog is my place of refuge — I save it for when I feel I deserve a treat each day, and it never fails to make me think, wonder, and leave me with a richer sense of what our world is. You are reaching your readers in ways that are important, giving us a larger view, and that is a powerful gift. Thank you.

  11. Your efforts and dedication are greatly appreciated by those, like this reader, who love things historical and archaeological. Writing a blog is a labor of love.

    Eventually we will understand hindsight WAS 2020… 😉

  12. I have received so much from you through this blog.
    I have referred to this blog in conversation very often.
    May 2021 be your best year yet, and the worst of all those to come.

  13. Thank you for educating and entertaining me the last few years. I check in every morning with my morning tea, and when I have time, I go back into your archives to read your older posts. I believe I will do just that today!
    Happy New Year!

  14. bubonic? chinese virus death rate is 0.04 percent. black death or the great pestilence as it was termed then had a mortality of around 50 percent. please be a historian not a melodramatisi

  15. “A page of history is worth a pound of logic.”

    Oliver Wendell Holmes

    Darn right. 2021 will give us all the opportunity to turn the page and find great new treasures.

    Thank you, LD. :hattip:

  16. Thank you, History Blog, for keeping me alert and informed on the most important theme of culture: History.

    All the best for 2021, with new and wondrous discoveries – besides, of course, health and well being.

  17. Happy New Year to you and yours! And thank you so much for your wonderful blog! It’s brought a big bright spot to my days!

  18. Just a quick note to say I discovered your blog this pat year and have enjoyed the peek it has given me into the past and the present.
    Looking forward to this next year and hope the best for you and yours.

  19. You are on my daily reading list and are one of my faves. I am an MD by training but I love learning of any sort. Your blog gives me a wide variety of exposure to many fields under the rather non-specific umbrella of “History”. Thank you for your dedication to providing this well-written always interesting blog. I appreciate your love for your subject and I also enjoy your fantastically torrid affair with all things Rome. Buon anno nuovo amico mio!

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