Well that was horrific

You may have noticed your trusty blog about history has not been so trusty the past couple of days. A server update is apparently the culprit. The site went down Thursday afternoon and we’ve been struggling ever since to get it back. Finally the planets aligned and we are back. Buggy and error-riddled, but I’ll take it for now while we iron out the kinks.

The trauma of the last few days has only underscored how desperately important it is that I upgrade the software of this site. It’s ancient and all kinds of features are broken because of it. Perpetually perched on the razor’s edge of functionality, it can fail at the least provocation. That means we’re going to have to say goodbye to my old-fashioned theme and the blog will look completely different. As history nerds tend to like old-fashioned things, I’ve dragged my feet to avoid having to make so big a change. Time to face facts.

I’m so sorry for the outage. Real post coming up.

32 thoughts on “Well that was horrific

  1. I’ve been in history withdrawal these last few days – I’m glad the site is back up! I’m just happy to have your blog posts to read, no matter what the site looks like 🙂

  2. We love you, LD, no matter what the theme looks like. Good luck with all the upgrades! And if you need a smile, check out Donaeld the Unready on Twitter, who complains that monks are writing fake chronicles about him. Bad! Norse merchants treating his daughter unfairly. Sad! Make Mercia Great Again!

  3. Ugh! Issues like this are exceedingly stressful to deal with and I’m sorry you had to deal with it! Take a deep breath and don’t worry, I’m sure many will agree with me that a wrokig functional site is more important than keeping the theme, no matter how much we like it <3

    Though from a personal perspective I do hope you don't go down what seems to be the current trend of light grey on white as that's almost impossible to read for people like me who have issues with reading things that have such a low contrast.

  4. Vent all you like, it’s the content that is so fascinating. I look forward to the new and exciting look of your blog.

  5. Just Glad that you are back! I was in withdrawal, thought I was the error til I had a friend pull up the site.

    Bona Fortuna!

  6. Welcome back! Don’t stress too much, as Pamela says we’re patient and value your health more than the next day’s update 😀

  7. I care about the content a whole lot more than I care about the look! (Of course, on some sites, the look interferes with easy access to the content, but that’s something else entirely.)

  8. Glad you’re back on-line. I kept checking back hoping the not-very-helpful error message had been replaced by some history. You’re my favorite blog!

  9. Whew! Thank heavens you’re back online. This is the first thing I read every morning and I was getting the shakes from withdrawal!

  10. Adding my comment to say I missed you. Reading your blog has been one of my daily pleasures for six or seven years now. The past couple days have not felt complete without having one of your elucidating posts.

  11. I also felt bereft; so happy to see the site come up this evening. I love the way it looks now but would far rather lose the look than the content. :thanks:

  12. You say it’s time to upgrade your alembics and abacus? You apothecaries, always coming up with newfangled compounds and sech….

  13. Do you need some financial assistance to purchase software, computer, etc.? I, for one, would certainly step up to help because I so enjoy your blog. And I suspect many of your loyal readers would do the same. So will you let us know if we can help? We could set up a donation button or a GoFund Me account.

  14. Oh, thank goodness! I was beginning to worry.

    I love the present style of the site, but I promise I’ll come here every day no matter what the new look is.

    Well, unless there’s lots of pink kitties and hearts and rainbows and unicorns everywhere.

    …Okay, probably even then, so never mind.

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