Thank you

Thank you all for reading, for your comments, for all the kindness and appreciation you’ve shown me this year. As 2020 took on its increasingly bubonic 1347 tinge, I tried as much as possible to keep the blog as unchanged in focus and consistency as it has been since I began posting daily 12 years ago. My wish was The History Blog could be for you (and me!) what Philosophy was for Boethius, who dealt with quite the lockdown of his own. I hope 2021 is a renaissance year for cultural heritage and that this blog, in its fractionally tiny way, can help support the revival of endeavours  that have been laid waste in 2020.

Happy New Year! Now let’s the get hell out of this one.

65 thoughts on “Thank you

  1. I very rarely post but I turn to your blog several times each week. My high school kids always turn from what they’re doing and listen when I read your blog aloud and it makes for some very interesting conversations. Of course, 2 of my 4 kids are history nuts and follow your blog on their own. Your efforts have a great impact on our family discussions and interests in history and I just wanted to thank you for all your efforts. They are greatly enjoyed and appreciated!

  2. Thank you so much for your awesome blog! A daily stop for me. I have a feeling 2021 is going to be a great year for you!!

  3. This blog has been such a wonderful place to rest a weary mind. Always interesting, often funny, and completely distracting from the chaos outside. Sometimes the blog is a cool compress on my forehead; sometimes it’s a warm, fuzzy blanket. Thank you for all your hard work!

  4. I truly look forward to reading your posts, especially now that we are locked at home. Being high risk we go no where. So good to have something of interest to read. Thank you for all you do.

  5. Since I blog your blog I have learned a lot of historical facts. This is the best blog on the web. Happy New Year and may you a great new year.

  6. The utility of the historical view is that our species has gone through this before, and that we’ve seen worse times and somehow managed to survive.

  7. Current US death rate is about 1.7% of cases. Still much lower than the ancient and medieval plagues but that may well be reflected in the advance of medicine in the intervening years. When you consider that the current disease has killed more than the total of US casualties in WW2 its seriousness is illustrated. It is not something to be minimized or politicized.

  8. This is one of my favorite blogs, great content. Very much like the photos and enlargements capability. Ancient Roman history is my favorite, then Greece. Anything after 450 AD doesn’t do it for me. Thank you

  9. And thanks to you for this wonderful blog. I learn, I share, I post your link – always fun. Blessings in the New Year.

  10. Thank you for your sharing your knowledge. I live alone and work at home. My many cats and dogs don’t seem to have the same interest in history and your blog allows me to share insightful articles with friends near and wide. Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!

  11. Happy New Year to you and your family, and to everyone who frequents this site. This is my go-to place for all news related to history, and the on-going archaeological work that continues to uncover great finds around the world. Thank you for sharing it all with us these past years. May 2021 be a happy and healthy New Year for us all.

  12. Thank you so much for the fantastic blogging. You’ve provided a bright spot in an otherwise lackluster year. Love your commentary.

    Happy New Year!

  13. Thank you. Thank you for a great year of non-political posts. A place to escape the madness of this last year. I read all your posts, but not always on the day you post them, like today. My appreciation for the research you put into them is still as great as those who read them on a daily basis. I also really appreciate I can truly see images full screen on my computer. Wishing you a day late, a happy, healthy and productive 2021.

  14. Thank you for another year of nourishing mind food Livius. Blogs are damned hard work and yours is very much appreciated. ‘Lang may your lum reek laddie’.

  15. Best wishes to you for 2021 and my hearty thanks for your continued efforts in producing such an excellent blog. Yours is the only site I still return to a decade after first finding it! Kind regards.

  16. Our thanks to you, Livius, for your dedication to giving us all such a fantastic resource. You never disappoint in your ability to produce a detailed report, so different from the meagre fodder in the usual news channels, and the quality of the images are an absolute pleasure. Sheer joy, to be able to zoom right in to the Galloway cross or the painted guard dog on the Pompeian food stall. Thank you, and a happy New Year!

  17. Happy New Year to you also, and thank you a million times over for blogging. I have been attached to you posts for a number of years and appreciate it more than you know. Im also a crazy Italofile. so i really love when you post on my beloved Roma

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